1. Direct mail advertising serves (to acquaint) customers with products, alert (them) to new opportunities, and (paving) the way for (other sales) activities.
  2. (Animal life) on Price Edward Island (is) confined (large) to ducks, pheasants, and (rabbits).
  3. (It is) common (knowledge) that (a flash) of lighning is seen before a clap of (thunder heard).
  4. Oriental rugs are considered (valuable) and because their (desaigns) are (intricate) and the (weaving process) is time-consuming.

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  1. A dictionary allows (quick) access to the (meaning) of a world (only) if one knows (how spell) the word.
  2. (In feudal) times, the rank of knighthood carried (no social) distinction, (neither) any man (could) be a knight.
  3. Ethel Harvey’s career illustrates (some of) the challenges encountered by women (scientists) of her generation (as they sought) support for (they) work.
  4. (Before) the plains were settled, prairie dog towns in many places (strecth) (as far as) the eye (could) see.

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